The twenty-third installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the second scene of chapter 5, The Arms of Tarbalainn, is up. Lee-Lack and Yllyesh are on their way to the harbor of Tarbalainn. On the road they open up a little more… Chapter 5: The Arms of Tarbalainn — Scene 2
Category Archives: News
Twenty-second installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
The twenty-second installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the first scene of chapter 5, The Arms of Tarbalainn, is up. A young man arrives to take care of the house during the owner’s absence. Lee-Lack explains to Yllyesh how, until very recently, Mirkadesh managed to keep its independence. Chapter 5: The Arms of Tarbalainn — Scene 1
Twenty-first installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
The twenty-first installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the sixth scene of chapter 4, Warrior Woman, is up. Lee-Lack and Yllyesh make preparations for their journey to Tarbalainn. Chapter 4: Warrior Woman — Scene 6
Twentieth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
The twentieth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the fifth scene of chapter 4, Warrior Woman, is up. Lee-Lack and Yllyesh discuss their options… Chapter 4: Warrior Woman — Scene 5
Nineteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
The nineteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the fourth scene of chapter 4, Warrior Woman, is up. Getting rid of a recent body and talk of an old murder… Chapter 4: Warrior Woman — Scene 4
Eighteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
The eighteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the third scene of chapter 4, Warrior Woman, is up. Hairpins and drugs… Chapter 4: Warrior Woman — Scene 3
Seventeenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
The seventeenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the second scene of chapter 4, Warrior Woman, is up. Gran has made cookies… Chapter 4: Warrior Woman — Scene 2
Sixteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
The sixteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the first scene of chapter 4, Warrior Woman, is up. Lee-Lack ponders how best to introduce his friend to his grandmother, and Yllyesh explains some more Mukthar customs Chapter 4: Warrior Woman — Scene 1
Fifteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
Slightly later than planned, but the fifteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the concluding fifth scene of chapter 3, Forging Bonds, is up. For the first time in months, Yllyesh enjoys a decent meal… Chapter 3: Forging Bonds — Scene 5
Fourteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold published
The fourteenth installment of Lee-Lack’s Gold, the fourth scene of chapter 3, Forging Bonds, is up. A lot about Mukthars and why some of them fought for the warlord and against their former tribesmen. Yllyesh seems to have regrets… Chapter 3: Forging Bonds — Scene 4
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