
The dead end of DIY publishing?

As of late more and more sensationalist articles are appearing that proclaim that independent e-publishing will be the end of literature, and moreover, is detrimental to the authors as well.

The latest is this one: The dead end of DIY publishing: Self-published novelists – the Rodney Dangerfields of the book world — are finally getting some respect. But are they better off? by Eugenia Williamson.

Of course one writer, suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, thought his was a very smart article. But is it?

No, this is anything but a smart article. This a rather dumb piece by someone who has looked at only one side of the equation, has no real experience in self publishing and draws ignorant and unwarranted conclusions. This is barely an article. It’s propaganda. It’s FUD, the spreading of fear, unrest and doubt. It’s mudslinging in the hope some of it will stick against the wall. It is not researched. It makes dishonest comparisons. It is biased.

What the author is deploring in this disingenuous collection of untruths, misrepresentations, and skewed comparisons is that an old industry is dying through its own fault.

You can check it out on the website of the Boston Phoenix.

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