
Second excerpt from Gay Epic Fantasy & M/M-Romance Castling

While I’m still waiting for the cover art, I’d thought I give you both a second excerpt and an idea how the book will look on an actual device.

The excerpt: Anaxantis has chosen two unlikely messengers to deliver an important message to his mother, the queen, and Sobrathi.

The screenshots: The first three are of the epub-version of the book, taken on an iPad (thanks to my editor). They should look the same in the reader apps for Android tablets. I tested the book also on the Kobo Glo and the Sony PRS-T2, and they look exactly the same but in grayscale. The last screenshot was taken on the Kindle 3 Keyboard.

Screenshot taken on iPad of pages 372 & 373 of Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book 5, The Invisible Hands - Part 2: Castling by Andrew Ashling


Screenshot taken on iPad of pages 374 & 375 of Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book 5, The Invisible Hands - Part 2: Castling by Andrew Ashling


Screenshot taken on iPad of pages 376 & 377 of Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book 5, The Invisible Hands - Part 2: Castling by Andrew Ashling


Screenshot taken on Kindle3 Keyboard of pages 378 of Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book 5, The Invisible Hands - Part 2: Castling by Andrew Ashling

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One Response to Second excerpt from Gay Epic Fantasy & M/M-Romance Castling

  1. Judie Stewart (@judieannstewart) 2012-12-20 at 02:36 #

    I can’t wait, I hope it comes out real soon!

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