
ChatGPT likes the Dark Tales — sort of…

Cover of Dagger of Deception

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

What is ChatGPT?


ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022.


Unless you’ve lived under a rock, or if you’re completely not interested in developments in the computer world, you must at least have heard something about the artificial but intelligent chatbot that everybody can engage with. You can ask it general questions, but you can also ask it to write an essay on a random subject. It will do so in seconds, and several non-artificial intelligent people have stated that it would be difficult to distinguish its answers from that of regular people.


Of course I was intrigued.


Good bot


I started with asking some questions about parts of history I’m well acquainted with. E.g. I asked if it would be fair to describe Napoleon Bonaparte’s regime as a thinly disguised military dictatorship. It not only agreed with me, it gave several reasons to think so which I myself would give to support the thesis. Good bot. Am I biased? Am I susceptible to flattery? Yes, on both counts. I admit it freely.


Do you have a good literary taste, bot?


I played around somewhat more with the program, and inevitably the moment came when the narcissism that every author is subject to got the upper hand.


I asked ChatGPT:


What is the main theme of the books in the Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse series?


That was all I gave it to go on. I was fully prepared for ChatGPT to answer something like, “Never heard of the thing.”


To my surprise the answer came within seconds:


The Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse is a series of books written by Andrew Ashling. The main theme of the series is a complex and intricate web of political intrigue, power struggles, and social commentary set in a fantasy world.


Well, eh… that was not just surprising, but actually flattering, and what’s more, the answer is, broadly speaking, correct.


You’re a liar, bot


I knew that if ChatGPT doesn’t know the answer to a question it will make something up. The next paragraph of its answer was a summary of the series… and completely made up out of whole cloth.


The story revolves around the titular character, Randamor, a recluse who is forced to navigate the intricate and often dangerous politics of the kingdoms of Danyubai and Lorstria. As the story progresses, Randamor finds himself embroiled in a web of conspiracies and plots, as various factions seek to gain power and influence.


OK, bot, you’re a liar and a cheater. You apparently haven’t read the books you’re reviewing. Not that you’re the first.


Lie to me some more, bot, why don’t you?


The series also explores themes of sexuality, gender identity, and societal norms. Randamor’s relationships with various characters in the series are often portrayed in a nuanced and complex way, challenging traditional notions of love and sexuality.


ChatGPT keeps insisting that Randamor is the Main Character instead of the Narrator, but otherwise it isn’t far off the mark. Nuanced and complex relationships? Check. Relationships that challenge traditional notions of love and sexuality? Check.


If I read this in a real review, minus the Randamor mistake, I wouldn’t be disappointed.


The bot concludes…


Overall, the Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse is a rich and engrossing series that blends political intrigue, social commentary, and fantasy elements to create a captivating and thought-provoking read.


And, again, from a real reader who actually read the series, this would have been high praise. The highest, in fact. It’s one of those appraisals that makes a writer’s heart sing and brightens their day. I certainly will use it in what little promotion I do.


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If you came here because you fell into a rabbit hole researching ChatGPT, this page will provide you with all the links of the vendors where the first book in the Dark Tales series can be downloaded for free. You know, just in case you wanted to see whether you agree with ChatGPT. Which I hope you do.


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If you’ve read the series, I would be delighted to read what you thought of ChatGPT’s review.


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If you want to try out ChatGPT yourself, you can do so here.


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4 Responses to ChatGPT likes the Dark Tales — sort of…

  1. Missy 2023-04-07 at 04:12 #

    You are right, Andrew. I read this hoping to hear how it lied through and through because I am quite wary of ChatGPT and its ilk.
    Now I am warily impressed as I have read all the books in the series and except for hitting on Randamor as the main character, it is not incorrect.

    And, if you really think on it, from a secondary view point, Randamor could be said is the main character as he’s the one readers first interact with every time at the start of each story (book).

    That said, while respecting it, I am still wary of AI. I am super glad it is not 100% perfect. That would cause me great alarm.

    Yet, I must say, C-GPT’s review is one I would love to have written but couldn’t find the words. So there. Consider that my review as well :)

    You write great stories, Andrew. I devoured the latest, Dagger of Deception like a hungry coyote and is salivating for more.

    I hope others chime in ’cause I’d love to hear their opinion.


    • Andrew 2023-04-10 at 22:02 #

      Hi Missy,

      I agree with you that AI is getting very sophisticated to the point of being scary.

      That’s why I thought I had to report about my little experiment. it’s strange how it got the question about the theme of the series fairly right, while being so wrong about the synopsis of the books. ChatGPT works by analyzing tons of information from the internet. The blurbs of the books are freely available on my own site and the sites of all mayor vendors.

      Or was it wrong? For actually the readers don’t know who Randamor really is, nor do they know whether I know…

      On another note, you can expect a first excerpt of the next Rahendo & Ryhunzo Mystery, Last of the Line, one of these weeks.

      • Chris H. 2024-09-18 at 20:11 #

        Here, from an actual reader, I proclaim for all to hear: Overall, the Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse is a rich and engrossing series that blends political intrigue, social commentary, and fantasy elements to create a captivating and thought-provoking read.

        ‘Cuz it’s fucking true, so please feel free to quote according to readers, not just the bot. :p

        • Andrew 2024-09-19 at 20:23 #

          Thank you, Chris. ;)

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